Alice Rhodes

I want to make software and websites that put privacy, security, and accessibility first.


I am Alice Rhodes, they/them. I live in the Boston, MA, USA metro area. I am a U.S.A. citizen.

See Also


Solo Projects

Team Projects


Current Technologies and Skills

Learning, Questioning, Communicating, Documentation, Process Development, Your process doesn’t exist unless it’s documented correctly, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript is not Java btw, Responsive Design, Mobile First Design, Accessible Design, Usability, Information Architecture (I love organizing information), Adobe InDesign or similar, Adobe Illustrator or similar, OmniGraffle, Adobe Photoshop or similar, finding and licensing stock artwork, End-User Privacy, Ubuntu and Debian Linux, MacOS, MS Office or similar, LAMP stack administration, MySQL, Apache 2 / HTTPd, PHP, Drupal, Twig Templates, Python (basic), Django (basic), Domains (buy, set-up DNS), Kubernetes (basic), CI/CD (basic), Git or similar, Cloud-hosting (Digital Ocean), APIs (usage of)

Previous Technologies and Skills

So these technologies I have used in the past but have not kept these skills up to date. I list to to show what I’m capable of: Java (web applets), Apache Tomcat, Microsoft Visual C++, Drupal, Magento, Shopify, Stripe integration

Future Skills

In my spare time I am learning Rust, Dart, and Flutter. I took a boot camp for the CISSP but hav not sat for the exam. I did really well in the class and would love an opportunity to get started in Information Security.

Past Experience

I've worked with these in the past, it was educational, but I'd rather not work with them again: Java, Apache Tomcat, Magento, and WordPress.

Work Experience

Check out my linked in.

I am currently working at University Washington's School of Public Health. I am a web developer for the CHSCC department.

Staff Webpage: